ER Diagram for Hospital Management System

Hey! Today, I’ll share some thoughts on the ER diagram examples for the hospital management system.

You will get the Hospital Management ER diagram PDF and PPT files at the end of the talk, which will be useful for your DBMS studies.

This article will give you a full idea about the ER Diagram for Hospital Management with Database Structures.

Moving on, The model of the Hospital Management System Entity is represented by this ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram.

The Hospital System entity-relationship diagram depicts all of the visual instruments of database tables.

The relationships between Patient, Doctor, Laboratory, Inpatient, Outpatient, Room, Bill, and other entities.

Plus, It made use of structured data to define the linkages between structured data groups in the Hospital Management System’s capabilities.

Patient, Doctor, Laboratory, Inpatient, Outpatient, Room, Bill, and other entities make up the Hospital System.

Also, You may visit the link below for more information about the other diagrams.

What is the aim of the database for the Hospital Management System?

The goal of the Hospital Management System database design is to create a safe and convenient way to store patient, doctor, inpatient, outpatient, room, and billing information.

The Features of the Hospital Management System Database Design

There are seven(7) common features of Hospital Management System Database Design such as Managing Patients, Doctors, laboratory, Inpatient, Outpatient, Rooms, and Hospital Bills information.

  • Manage Patients – This table will be used to store and manage patient information in the ER Diagram Hospital System.
  • Manage Doctor – This table will be used to store and manage the Doctor’s information as well as his or her login credentials.
  • Manage Laboratory – The Laboratory transaction will be stored and managed in this table.
  • Manage Inpatient – This table will be used to keep track of and manage inpatient data and diagnoses.
  • Manage Outpatient – This table will be used to keep track of inpatient data and diagnoses and to manage them.
  • Manage Room – This table will be used to store and manage room information, as well as patient assignments in each room.
  • Manage Bills – The billing table will be utilized to keep track of each patient’s statement of accounts as well as bill collection.

ER Diagram of Hospital Management System with Relationship

This section will show you the ER Diagram of the Hospital Management System. In the image below you see the actual relationship of all entities.

ER Diagram Symbols

In the image below, you will see the different ER Diagram Symbols.

ER Diagram Symbols

ER diagram for a hospital management system with a relationship

ER Diagram of Hospital Management System shows the system entity relationships in each entity and their supposed functions in each relationship.

This section will show you the ER Diagram for Hospital Management. In the image below you see the actual relationship of all entities.

In creating this activity diagram we used lucidchart.

ER Diagram of Hospital Management System
ER Diagram of Hospital Management System

ER diagram for a hospital management system with explanation pdf

The purpose of this ER Diagram is to thoroughly comprehend both the Hospital System and the table relationships in the project database design.

You can also get a PDF copy of the conversation if you want to use it as a reference for your project.


To summarize, we have discussed about the ER diagram for the Hospital System, and above we have the system database tables and their relationships.


If you have inquiries or suggestions about ER Diagram of Hospital Management System just leave us your comments below.

We would be glad to know to concerns and suggestions and be part of your learning.

Keep us updated and Good day!

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