Calendar Application in C with Source Code

Are you looking for a calendar application in c? Well, I’m glad to say that you are on the right website because today I will give you an idea about the major functionalities and a complete source code of calendar program in c.

Along with, the calendar program In C is written in the C programming language, and this Calendar Project In C assists you in determining the date and day you require. It also has some additional functions.

Apart from this, a calendar application written in C can provide data dating back to the late 1600s.

You can also retrieve the day’s outcome by just entering the values. There’s also the option of adding notes. The maximum length of the note field is 50 characters.

What is a Calendar Application?

In C, the calendar application is a console-based application designed mainly to print the month, and days from mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat and sun.

Further, it can also displays all the month such as january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, and decembeer. and also display the number of days.

Project Details and Technology

The project’s name is Calendar In C Programming, and the project’s specifications and technologies are as follows: The project was developed in C/C++. The programming language used is C. is the project’s developer, and Dev-C++ or Code Blocks are the recommended IDEs, with a desktop application as the project type. The database of this system only saves data in.DAT files.

Project Name :Calendar In C Programming
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Dev-C++/Codeblocks
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:Stores data in .DAT file

What is a Calendar?

Is a method of planning days. This is accomplished by naming time intervals, which are commonly days, weeks, months, and years.

Within such a system, a date is the designation of a single, unique day.

A calendar is a physical record of such a system (typically made of paper).

A calendar can also refer to a list of upcoming events, such as a court calendar, or a partially or completely chronological list of papers, such as a wills calendar.

What is the importance of a calendar?

Calendars are helpful for remembering impending meetings, deadlines, and milestones. They can aid in the visualization of your schedule and serve as a reminder of crucial events such as holidays and vacation.

Why do we use Calendar?

We use calendar for planning the daily activities, keeping track of records, staying organized and enhancing productivity, planning efficiently and meeting the deadlines, remembering birthdays, managing the daily schedules, and knowing the important festival dates.


  • preparing our daily schedule;
  • maintaining a record of occurrences;
  • remaining disciplined and effective;
  • scheduling a daily routine;
  • keeping in mind significant dates;
  • lowering stress and anxiety;
  • knowing the dates of major festivals;
  • making appointments and recollecting birthdays;
  • exposure to the C programming language is beneficial;
  • functioning in groups efficiently and handling all the tasks;
  • C programming skills training and improvement.


This study has described how to plan and develop a calendar software successfully. The design and development of a computer software system to code blocks are described in this study.

C was used to create the software. In this calendar application, you can essentially perform three operations.

The date, month, and year are required to determine the day that corresponds to a particular date. The days and dates of any month in any year can be listed.


The calendar program application presented here is a very simple console application developed using the C programming language.

It is built without using any graphic properties; instead, it makes use of many Windows properties to give application a colorful look and feel.

It is compiled in code::blocks using the GCC compiler. The main goal of this program is to basically learn how to use our C language in programming.

Background study about C

Any computer program or application needs to be programmed in some way in order to function properly and complete a task.

Programming has evolved into a very adaptable and effective tool in the modern world, used for everything from basic word processing to bank account management.

Though programming techniques and languages had been available for much earlier, Dennis Ritchie’s creation of C programming had its debut in 1972.

The publication of “The C programming language” by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie in 1978 proved to be a game-changer.

Although it made reference to the early versions of the programming language known as “K&R C,” named after the authors’ initials, this book became an informal specification for the C programming language.

The American National Standards Institute established the language’s standardization and definition in 1983, and since then, the C programming language has grown to be one of the most well-known and useful tools used by programmers.

As a group, we were introduced to C programming through the straightforward but well-known “Hello World! ”program. The ensuing construct exemplifies this straightforward program and displays some of the vocabulary utilized.

Although it is more obscure, the C language is reasonably simple to understand and can be broken down into the following steps: the #include directive is a pre-processor directive. The next line shows that a function called “main” is being defined.

The pre-processor is the first tool to examine the source code and is prompted to replace the entire line with the “stdio.h>.” In C programming, the “main” function has a specific function—it starts the program’s execution.

The type specifier “int” serves to make it clear to the invoker that the value returned after reading the main function is an integer. The main function does not accept any arguments, as shown by the keyword “void” in the parameter list.

This Calendar Application Project In C also contains a free downloadable Calendar application In C source code; simply locate the source code below and click to begin downloading.

Anyway, if you want to improve your programming skills, particularly in the C/C++ programming language, check out this new article I made for you called Best C Programming Projects with Source Codes.

Major Functionalities Used in Calendar Program in C Programming

Time needed: 5 minutes

The following are the basic functionalities of the Calendar application In C Programming


    When you start the project from any compiler or by double-clicking the executable.exe file, you’ll see the screen shown below is main screen window. 

    In the image below, which is for the main menu of Calendar such Find Out the Day, Print all the day of month, Add Note and exit.


    In the image below, which is to find out the day today.
    Find Out the Day for Calendar In C Programming With Source Code


    If the user will choose the number 2 options it will print all the day of month. The image below is the example.

    Print all the day of month for Calendar In C Programming With Source Code


    If the user will press number 3 options it will add note. You will see in the image below example.

Download Source Code Here!


This Calendar program In C Programming is a project created only for the purpose of meeting educational requirements. For a semester project, I developed a Calendar application In C Programming Language.

Its goal is to provide newcomers with a solid foundation in programming small to large projects by providing useful and practical information about C.

You can download this program and alter it to meet your client’s needs; however, because this is a student effort, you shouldn’t expect it to be completely working.


If you have any questions or suggestions about Calendar C Programming With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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