Chat App using React JS With Source Code

In React JS, Chat App is a web-based application that is made to speed up the communication of your loved ones from other countries.

In addition, these chat apps are for beginners who want to be full-stack developers and learn new skills this will serve as their guide in developing their own one-of-a-kind chat application, which can be beneficial to many.

What is a Chat app?

The Chat App using React JS is a simple web messaging app that enables users to communicate with other people via chat messaging through the use of devices such as computers or mobile devices.

Chat App using React JS With Source Code
Chat App using React JS With Source Code

Importance of Chat application?

The Importance of Chat Applications is that it makes it easy to communicate with other people all over the world by just using your devices. Sending and receiving a message can be done in a quick and easy way.

In addition, using this chat app, you can interact with other people, such as your family or loved ones, which is a long way from a lively interaction within. That is why it is really important to have and develop more advanced chat applications.

Benefits of Chat app

  • Communication in Real-Time: Chat apps are one of the great ways which served as a bridge to loved ones which is far, using this chat app you can direct send a messages in just a single click.
  • Productivity Increased: One of the best projects that streamline the business, which leads to an increase in production, is a chat room messaging app, which not only increases productivity but also improves time management using react application. 

What is the purpose of the chat?

The purpose of chat applications in the real world is that they provide communication, exchanging messages via the internet with ease.

In addition, it also involves more interactive communication, which we call it as of now as (CHATTING).


  • A user can create a static channel from a list (group) which export the default app.
  • In the channel, people can send and read messages.
  • The server listens for clients at port 8080 with a few lines of code.
  • The server handles client messages sent to the react router which return div classname.

Project Details and Technology

Project Name:Chat App Project using React JS and with Source Code
Language usedReact JS
Version [Recommended]v12.20.2
Project TypeWeb Application
DeveloperSource Code Hero

What is the use of Express.JS and Socket.IO to Server?

Express.js and clients are used by the server to handle requests from clients.

For example, if the client wants a static channel, it could use the /get Channels API. It also keeps track of the channel, the people who are using it, and the sockets.

The react native tool which makes it easy to put up react apps quickly, was also used to make the client.

The program is made up of five parts: Chat, Channel, Channel List, Messages Panel, and Message.

How does the Chat App work?

The project is a const app that can be used by more than one person. When making a channel, a user can choose from a list of fixed channels (GROUP CHAT) with different input fields.

The user can then send messages to the channel, which other user input can read and respond to.

There are two parts to the program: the server and the client. The server will wait for the client at local port 8080. In the same way, the client will send messages to that port, where the server will handle the function component.

Sample Source Code of the file:

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Steps on how to start the Chat App Project using React JS

Time needed: 5 minutes

  • Step 1: Download the Source Code

    Locate first the download button and click to start downloading the project.

    Chat App Project using React JS and 1

  • Step 2: Start the server

    Then, type “node server.js” to run the server after installing the dependencies you need.

  • Step 3: Go to the folder for Client

    Then, open the client folder’s directory and type “cmd” to open the command prompt.

  • Step 4: Put in place the dependencies

    After that, open a terminal in the client directory and type “npm install” (cd client)
    Chat App Project using React JS and 4

  • Step 5: npm start

    The next step is to type “npm start” to start the server after you have installed all the necessary dependencies.

  • Step 6: The End Results

    Lastly, when you type npm start, your browser or Chrome will open right away.

Download The Source Code Below

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This is a Chat App using React JS. The application is server-client. A user can construct a channel(group) from a list of static channels.

The user can then send messages to the channel, which other users can read and reply to.

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