Check Palindrome in C with Source Code

Check Palindrome in C; The value is saved in variable n. This number was then assigned to another variable, the original.

The reverse of n is then obtained and placed in reverse. The number submitted by the user is a palindrome if the original equals reversed.

In this example, you will learn how to determine whether or not the number entered by the user is a palindrome.

We have included a downloadable zip file in C at the end of the program so that you may run the following codes.

Example Program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int n, reversed = 0, remainder, original;
    printf("Enter an integer: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    original = n;

    // reversed integer is stored in reversed variable
    while (n != 0) {
        remainder = n % 10;
        reversed = reversed * 10 + remainder;
        n /= 10;

    // palindrome if orignal and reversed are equal
    if (original == reversed)
        printf("%d is a palindrome.", original);
        printf("%d is not a palindrome.", original);

    return 0;


Enter an integer: 5
5 is a palindrome.

What is the importance of the Program to check palindrome in C?

Checking palindrome numbers is a popular C programming language lesson for learning basic looping techniques.

It also introduces the most often used input and output functions, such as printf() and scanf(), as well as the implementation of simple mathematical operations in C.

You will be able to understand and visualize the inner workings of computer systems (such as memory management and allocation), as well as their design and the broader concepts that drive programming, by learning C.

C, as a programming language, allows you to construct more complicated and comprehensive programs.

What is the use of C code palindrome?

Palindromes are utilized in DNA to designate and allow for cutting. They are used to convert a one-dimensional chain into a two- or three-dimensional structure.

We assign the original value to the Temp variable in this C palindrome application. It helps to protect our original value while manipulating the Temp variable. If the condition (Number==Rev) is true, the integer entered by the user is exactly equal to the Reverse number.

The reverse number is then determined using a for loop.

Finally, the reverse number is compared to the entered number, and if they are equivalent, the message “(Given number) is a palindrome number” is written; otherwise, the message “(Given number) is not a palindrome number” is printed.

About the Project

A palindrome number is a number that is the same after being reversed. Palindrome numbers include 121, 34543, 343, 131, and 48984.

The Check Palindrome in C below contains all of the necessary and vital aspects that first-year, second-year, and final-year IT students can utilize for college assignments. The project was written entirely in C and edited with the Codeblocks editor.

Project Details and Technology

Project Name:Check Palindrome in C with Source Code
AbstractCheck Palindrome in C – is one that is the same after being reversed. Palindrome numbers include 545, 151, 34543, 343, 171, and 48984. It can also be a string such as LOL, MADAM, and so on.
Language/s Used:C
C version (Recommended):C17
Type:Desktop Application

To start executing this project, make sure that you have  Codeblocks or any platform of code editor installed on your computer.

C program to check number is palindrome or not: Follow the steps below

Time needed: 3 minutes

C program to check number is palindrome or not: Follow the steps below

  • Step 1: Download Source Code

    To get started, find the downloaded source code file below and click to start downloading it.

    Check Palindrome in C download

  • Step 2: Extract File

    Navigate to the file’s location when you’ve finished downloading it and right-click it to extract it.

    Check Palindrome in C extract

  • Step 3: Run the project

    Next, open Codeblocks app and click open project and choose your downloaded project.

    Check Palindrome in C open

  • Step 4: Run the project.

    Next, right click the project folder and click run or you could just paste the code above in your favorite compiler.

    Check Palindrome in C run

Download Source Code below


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