Class Diagram for Hospital Management System

HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CLASS DIAGRAM – is a graphical representation of the system’s relationships and classes.

This UML Class Diagram was created to assist programmers in the development of a hospital management system.

It includes the class attributes, methods, and relationships between classes. These contents ensure that your Hospital management system development is in line with what its functions should be.

Class diagrams reveal the class structure blueprint of the Hospital Management System.

Also, it is used to model the items that make up the system and depict their relationships. Lastly, this is to define the function of an object and the operation it provides. 

What is a Class Diagram for a Hospital Management System?

Hospital Management System Class diagrams are commonly used for conceptual modeling of a software application’s static view, as well as detailed modeling of translating models into programming code.

A class diagram is commonly used when developing or building software systems.

They are also employed in data modeling. It is used to depict classes, relationships between them, interfaces, associations, and so on.

A class in a class diagram is simply an object’s blueprint. It simply describes and explains the various types of objects in the system, as well as the various types of relationships that exist between them.

Hospital Management System Class Diagram: Details

The table shows the name and details of the Library Management System class diagram. It has complete information on project components and diagramming tools.

Name:Hospital Management System Class Diagram
Abstract:The Hospital Management System Class Diagram represents the structure of the project in terms of its classes. It contains the important details on the data characteristics present in the project.
UML Diagram:Class Diagram
Users:School Admin, Book Borrowers, and Librarian.
Tools Used:Diagram tools that provide class diagram symbols.
Hospital Management System Class Diagram – Details

UML Class Diagram of Hospital Management System

The UML Class Diagram of Hospital Management System in UML describes an entity or a group of objects with similar structure and characteristics. They are represented by a box with three rows.

The class diagram is presented in a rectangle with three partitions. Then, the upper part is for the name of the class, the middle is for its attributes and the bottom is for the methods. These partitions will clearly emphasize the details of the classes.

Why Hospital Management System Class Diagram is Important

The Importance of a Hospital Management System Class Diagram is that it helps in visualizing the classes that make up the system. It displays the classes’ connections and reports their characteristics, operations, and methods used.

The class diagram helps you figure out what each class in the project does. It tells you a lot about how your system is put together.

It also gives a quick summary of how the different system classes work together and how they interact with each other.

The class diagram aims to show the system’s static view. This diagram can be mapped with object-oriented languages, making it appropriate during the construction process.

Draw a Class Diagram for the Hospital Management System with an Explanation

Here is how to Draw a Class Diagram for a Hospital Management System while an explanation is provided to expand on its ideas.

This Class Diagram provides specific information about the class’s characteristics and methods. It also clarifies the system’s class connections.


The classes diagram with explanation identified for the Hospital Management System were the user (physician and patient or admin), prescriptionadmission, medicine, and transactions.

Their roles were explained in the middle part and called their attributes. The function can be seen by reading through its’ methods.

You can add more to this, and how you create your class diagram is entirely up to you. But only provide precise information and consider the decisions that must be included.

How do we create a Class diagram for a Hospital Management system?

Time needed: 5 minutes

The steps for creating a Class Diagram for a Hospital Management System are detailed here.

  1. Familiarize Class Diagram Components

    Class Diagram Components -these are the parts that are used to make Class Diagrams. Before you make the Class Diagram, you should get to know them.
    Class Name: The name of the class appears in the upper portion.
    Class Attributes: Use this section to explain the class’s traits. This is only required when specifying a class instance.
    Class operations: Operations are how a class interacts with data.
    Class Connections: The following are the access levels and the symbols that correlate to them:
    Public (+)
    Private (-)
    Protected (#)
    Package (~)
    Derived (/)
    Static (underlined)

  2. Determine the targeted users

    After the symbol familiarization, you’ll need to determine your targeted users. Your targeted users will be the ones to use your project.

    Your project is Hospital Management System for hospital, then your users would be the physician, Admin, and the patient. You may ask them about the common activities that they do when doing tasks in recognizing faces. This information will help you in proceeding with the next step.

  3. Analyze the activities included

    Analyzation is very important in creating a class diagram. In addition, it will help you understand the work of the diagram and avoid unwanted errors.

    The gathered information from the targeted users is very useful in creating a class diagram. You just need to evaluate these data and pick the useful classes. Then you’re ready for the next step.

  4. Plot the Class Diagram

    To plot the class diagram you will need the class name, its attributes, methods, and their access (visibility). You will base the diagram on the evaluated information to have the exact Class Diagram.

    To plot your Class diagram, you need to place first the classes and their characteristics.

    Then place the visibility of the class’ attributes. You will declare their visibility in the project to know their function.

    Finally, put the connections or relations of a class to the other classes to make sure they are working to produce the desired outcome.


You need to know the diagrams used to design and develop the Hospital Management System.

That is because you cannot perfectly create a fully functional system without it.

But if you create this class diagram, you will know the possible classes and scenarios that the system should process and perform.

Not only that, you will find out the needed processes and connect them to the other UML Diagrams.

The class diagram is used to model the system’s structure. The system’s main concept is captured in a class diagram, which describes the flow from one system to the next.

By completing the Class Diagrams per module or per process, you will easily achieve your desired system. Check out our Related and Recommended Articles for more Learnings and Information.


If you have inquiries or suggestions about the Hospital Management System Class Diagram, just leave us your comments below. We would be glad to hear your concerns and suggestions and be part of your learning.

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