Employee Record Management System in C with Source Code

Are you looking for an Employee Record Management System Project in C with Source Code?

Well, I’m glad to say that you are on the right website because today I will give you an idea about the major functionalities and a complete source code of the Employee Record Management System Project using C.

Moving on, the employee Record Management System in C is a console-based application written in the C programming language.

This system is a tiny mini project and is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE using GCC compiler.

Project Details and Technology

The project name is personnel Management System Project, and the project details are provided in the table below.

The project type for this system is a desktop application, and the platform is C/C++.

Sourcecodehero is the creator of this project system, and the programming language used is C, with Dev-C++ or Code Blocks as preferred IDE tools.

Project Name :Employee Record Management System Project
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C Programming Language
Developer Name :sourcecodehero.com
IDE Tool (Recommended):Dev-C++/Codeblocks
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:Stores data in .DAT file

What is an employee management system important?

Employee management systems are beneficial to the smooth operation of a business, particularly large businesses.

It aids HR personnel in keeping track of employee data such as compensation information, medical information, attendance/leave records, overall performance, and more.

Why employee management system is important?

Employee Engagement – Employee management systems also provide tools to boost employee engagement and, as a result, retention.

You may collaborate with employees to set goals, make them feel valued, and chart a course for their success.

What is the objective of employee management system?

The goal of the “Employee Management System” is to create a work center scheduling system.

Scheduling is a technology that makes the process of informing activities and notifications in the company where it is implemented simple and even online.

Who uses an employee management system?

Employee management systems are beneficial to the smooth operation of a business, particularly large businesses. It aids HR personnel in keeping track of employee data such as compensation information, medical information, attendance/leave records, overall performance, and more.

Basic Employee Record functions such as adding employee information, viewing newly added employees, searching for employees, and so on can be performed using this console program.

This program is based on C file handling and makes use of file-related functions like fopen, fread, and write.

The good news is that the “Employee Record Management System” is password-protected, making it accessible only to authorized users.

Building a web-based C language project utilizing an Employee Record Management System is a simple project for beginners.

We will offer you the whole source code for the C project, which you can easily install on your PC and use to learn how to program in C.

Anyway, if you want to improve your programming skills, particularly in the C/C++ programming language, check out this new article I made for you called Best C Programming Projects with Source Codes.

Major Functionalities Used in Employee Record Management System Project in C

Time needed: 5 minutes

The following are the basic functionalities of the Employee Record Management System Project in C


    When you start the project from any compiler or by double-clicking the executable.exe file, you’ll see the screen shown below is main screen window.
    Employee Menu for Employee Record Management System Project in C with Source Code


    This option allows the user to enter new employee details such as Employee id, Employee Name, Employee Salary, Father Name, Employee Address, Employee Admission Date(day/month/year).


    The view employee option allows the user to see all of the newly added employees.


    The user can edit/update their own password in the edit passwords section.
    Change Password for Employee Record Management System Project in C with Source Code


    The user can conduct an employee search using their employee id.


    The user can delete their personal information with the delete employee option.
    Delete Employee for Employee Record Management System Project in C with Source Code

  • EXIT

    The user has the option of exiting the system.

Download Source Code Here!


This Employee Record Management System Project in C with Source Code is a project created only for the purpose of meeting educational requirements. For a semester project, I developed an Employee Record Management System in the C programming language.

Its goal is to provide newcomers with a solid foundation in programming small to large projects by providing useful and practical information about C.

You can download this program and alter it to meet your client’s needs; however, because this is a student effort, you shouldn’t expect it to be completely working.

Moreover, just visit the other languages used for employee record management systems.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Employee Record Management System Project in C with Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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