ER Diagram for Library Management System

Hey! Today, I’ll share some thoughts on the ER diagram for the library management system with tables.

You will get the ER diagram for the library management system pdf and PPT files at the end of the talk, which will be useful for your DBMS studies.

This article will give you a full idea about the ER Diagram for Library Management with Database Structures.

What is included in this Library Management System Database project?

  • Library Management System Description with Features
  • Library management system database tables
  • Schema diagram for library management system

Library Management System Database Description

This library management system database was created to meet the needs of the school. The system has the ability to save information about books.

The librarian gets quick access to each book, search tabs for more reliable, secure, and faster book monitoring, and most significantly, reports and evaluation papers may be prepared in well-organized and well-presented reports.

ER Diagram of Library Management System With Tables: Features

Time needed: 5 minutes

Here’s the database design for the simple ER diagram for the library management system including tables, schema, PDF, etc.

  • Book Management

    The key element of this design diagram for a library management system is book management, which provides the essential details of books.

  • User Management

    This feature is an add-on to the ER diagram for the library management system, and it comprises all of the users’ necessary information.

  • Manage Books Inventory

    The Librarian may manage book information such as ISBN, Author, and Title, as well as book history tracking.

  • Generate user-Friendly Reports

    Can provide customized reports based on the needs of the client.

  • Student management system

    This feature will save information about the student, such as his or her name, ID number, phone number, and address.

Library Management System With Database Tables

The tables below provide the complete database table details such as Field Name, Descriptions, data types, and character lengths.

Table Name: tbl_book

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
book_IDBook ID numberInt11
bk­titleBook Titlevarchar30
bkeditionBook Editionvarchar30
bk­authorAuthor of the bookvarchar30
bk­publisherPublisher of the bookvarchar30
bkcopiesNumber of copies of the bookInt11
bk_sourceSource of the bookVarchar30
bk_costCost of the bookInt11
bk_remarksStatus of the bookvarchar30
Book Table

Table Name: tbl_btr

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Borrowers_id(PK)Borrowers ID numberInt11
Book_idBook ID numberint11
stud_IDStudent ID numberInt11
staff_idStaff  ID numberInt11
StaffnameName of the staffvarchar30
studentNOcopiesNumber of books to be borrowedint11
ReleaseDateDate of the publication that was releaseDate30
DueDateDue date of the book to be returnedDate30
Barrowers Table

Table Name: tbl_return

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Borrowers_id(PK)Borrowers ID numberInt11
Book_idBook ID numberint11
stud_IDStudent ID numberInt11
staff_idStaff  ID numberInt11
StaffnameName of the staffvarchar30
studentNOcopiesNumber of books to be borrowedint11
ReleaseDateDate of the publication that was releasedDate30
DueDateDue date of the book to be returnedDate30
Return Table

Table Name: tbl_clearedrecords

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
clearID(PK)Specific ID for cleared recordsInt11
browIDBorrowers IDInt11
bookIDBook IDInt11
bookTitleBook TitleVarchar30
studIDStudent IDInt11
studNameStudent NameVarchar30
staffIDStaff IDInt11
staffNameStaff NameVarchar30
StudentcopiesStudent number of book copiesInt11
releaseDateDate of releaseDate11
dueDateDue date of the bookDate11
Cleared Records Table

Table Name: tbl_reports

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
rptID(PK)Report IDInt11
rptTransaction_IDTransaction IDInt11
rptbookIDBook IDInt11
RptbktitleBook TitleVarchar30
RptrtnbkcopiesreturnBook Number of copiesVarchar30
RptrtndateDate to be returnedDate11
RptremarksRemarks of the BookVarchar30
RptnumberofdaysNumber of days to be borrowedInt11
RptpenaltyA penalty of the studentVarchar30
Reports Table

ER Diagram Symbols

In the image below, you will see the different ER Diagram Symbols.

ER Diagram Symbols

ER Diagram of Library Management System with Relationship

This section will show you the ER Diagram of the Library Management System. 

In the image below you see the actual relationship of all entities. In creating this activity diagram we used lucidchart.

ER Diagram for Library Management System with Relationship
ER Diagram Library Management System with Relationship

ER Diagram of Library Management System

The database design shown with tables in the Entity Relationship diagram of the Library Management System is shown in the image above.

The tables are designed to suit the system’s requirements and to provide considerably more detailed information about each entity within the system.


To summarize, we have discussed the ER diagram Library Management System, and above we have the system database tables and their relationships.

Also, you may visit the link below for more information about the other diagrams.


If you have inquiries or suggestions about ER Diagram of Library Management System just leave us your comments below.

We would be glad to know to concerns and suggestions and be part of your learning.

Keep us updated and Good day!

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