Laravel Hospital Management System with Source Code

In this article, I will teach you how to run the hospital management system Laravel through a step-by-step procedure.

Also, you can learn how to install the source code project, and it is 100% free to download.

Project Details and Apps Used

Project Name:Hospital Management System Laravel
Language/s Used:PHP (Laravel Framework)
PHP version (Recommended):7.4.28
Type:Website, Web Application

Hospital Management System Abstract

Technology drives change. It affects every industry. One is medical. Medical advancements are driven by technology.

Computers and software improve healthcare management and services.

Moving on, Hospital management is difficult and requires hard work to serve stakeholders.

Hospital management comprises patient records, employees, pharmacy, blood bank, billing, ward, and other departments.

Electronic technology is being used to automate management tasks.

However, the software would consolidate online hospital management functions. Each hospital department is traditionally hand-controlled.

Also, traditional methods are time-consuming, paper-intensive, and labor-intensive. The system will improve hospital operations.

The technology will increase hospital record availability and access. The suggested system will improve hospital services and transactions.


Initially, the medical profession has been saturated with new technologies to improve efficiency and satisfy stakeholders. “Hospital Management System in Laravel 8” automates hospital management.

Plus, Computers will replace all manual tasks. Patients, hospital staff, doctors, and others are recorded. Medical bills, data storage, and other hospital matters.

Anyway, All hospital tasks and operations are traditionally done manually. Manually recording patient information is time-consuming and prone to error.

Traditional methods will impede healthcare transactions, information processing, and data sharing.

Without changes, the hospital may be unable to provide improved clinical care and operate inefficiently. The hospital can’t fully optimize its operations to fulfill its objective.

Proposed Solution of the System

In response to these challenges, researchers created a hospital management system using Laravel 8. The system will manage hospital activity and complex departmental processes.

Moving on, The initiative will ensure smooth hospital operations. The hospital’s management can manage patient records, doctors and workers, billing records, pharmaceutical records, finances, and other tasks online.

However, The suggested solution will eliminate human errors, properly manage hospital management areas, boost patient satisfaction by providing quality healthcare, and more. The system improves facility operation.

Scope of the system

This research creates a Laravel 8 Hospital Management System. It automates hospital management. Digital storage will replace paper and physical stores. Hospitals and personnel use the system.

How does the System Work?

This section discusses the system’s forms, modules, and user interface. Researchers will describe the system’s functions.

How to run the Hospital Management System Laravel?

Time needed: 5 minutes

Here are the instructions for running the Laravel Hospital management system.

  • Step 1: Download the project

    You will be able to see the download button on the bottom, just like in the image shown below. Once you’ve successfully completed downloading the project, proceed on to step 2.
    Download for Laravel Hospital Management System

  • Step 2: Extract the Project folder from the zipped archive.

    After you have completed extracting the project zip folder, proceed to the following step 3.
    extract for Laravel Hospital Management System

  • Step 3: Enter inside the folder that contains the project that you have already extracted.

    To recompile the project files and dependencies, you must now execute a few commands in this step. Then move to the next step 4.
    folder Laravel Hospital management system

  • Step 4: Inside your project folder open the command prompt(CMD)

    Open your terminal and run the following command: ” composer install “. After the composer installation is completed, now move to the next step 5.

    composer install Laravel Hospital management system

  • Step 5: Change the ” .env.example” to .env

    You can change the file manually or you can use the following command below. Then after to change .env proceed to the next step 6.

    env Laravel Hospital management system

  • Step 6: Go to .env file its inside your project folder

    This is where you set up your database credentials so you can move the database tables to MYSQL. After you have set up the environment, you will need to configure the database. To generate the application’s key, go to the next step 7.
    go to env Laravel Hospital management system

  • Step 7: Execute the command below to generate the Application Key:

    As soon as you have generated the application key, you can proceed to the next stage of making database tables. Then proceed to step 8.
    generate Laravel Hospital management system

  • Step 8: To populate your database tables, use the migration command given below.

    Laravel will fill your database tables with the columns found in the migrations files for each table when you run this command.
    Then move to the next step 9.
    migrate Laravel Hospital management system

  • Step 9: Use the command shown below to launch the application.

    Using PHP artisan serve (the built-in server for PHP) is just intended for testing and making it simple to launch your project in a development environment. Then move to step 10.
    serve Laravel Hospital management system

  • Step 10: Use the following URL in your browser to access your project.

    Copy the URL below in your browser or Chrome to launch your project development.
    url Laravel Hospital management system

Downloadable Source Code


Technology drives medical and healthcare improvements. Computers and apps improve transactions and processes. This study was done to introduce a new hospital system.

The researchers automated hospital management with Laravel 8. The study found that the developed software satisfied users and respondents.

According to the majority of respondents, technology may improve hospital operations and transactions.

Researchers found a system effective for electronic hospital management.

Every day, the hospital administration manages patient data, personnel, the pharmacy, the blood bank, billing, the patients’ ward, and other departments. The system improves hospital services.

Also, visit the other languages used for the hospital management system.


We appreciate you reading this article, and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or contact us via email.

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