Loan Management System Project in Django with Source Code

This Django Loan Management System was built using Python, Django, and a MySQL database.

The Loan Management System project was built on the backend with the Python Django Framework and the frontend with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Further, It contains an admin side that allows you to handle employees, clients, assets, users, branches, and loan types, among other things.

Project Details and Technology

The data and technologies required to run this system are listed in the table below.

The project’s name is Loan Management System, and Python 3.9 is the recommended version.

The database is SQLite3, and the programming language is Python Django. This project, which is a web application, was produced by Sourcecodehero.

Project Name:Loan Management System
Language/s Used:Python Django
Python version (Recommended):3.9
Type:Web Application

In Django, a Loan Management System keeps track of all of the employee’s data and information.

We’ve created all of the crud (create, read, update, and delete) activities for employees, clients, assets, users, branches, and loan kinds.

This is a role-based module that allows the administrator to do anything with the data.

Major Functionalities Used in Loan Management System Project in Django

Features of Loan Management System using Django in the admin side:

  • Manage Employee – The admin can add, amend, and delete employee information for the employee.
  • Users Management – The admin can see a list of users and their details. The administrator can edit and delete the user’s information.
  • Manage Clients – The admin has access to a list of client information. The client’s information can be updated and deleted by the administrator.
  • Manage Branch – The admin can add, amend, and delete branch information for the branch.
  • Login – By default, the admin must first log in to gain access to the system.
  • Manage Loan – The admin can add, update, and delete loan details for the loan.
  • Manage Company – The admin can add, update, and delete company information for the company.

Make sure you have PyCharm Professional IDE installed on your computer before you begin constructing a Loan Management System Project in Python Django.

The Steps to Run a Loan Management System in Django

Time needed: 3 minutes

These are the steps to run a Loan Management System Project in Django

  1. pip install virtualenv

    First, You need to install the virtualenv, Open a command prompt by going to the project folder directory and typing CMD. After opening the CMD type ” pip install virtualenv “.
    install virtual env in Loan Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  2. virtualenv env

    Then, after installing virtualenv just type “virtualenv env” and enter.

  3. cd env/Scripts

    Next, just type ” cd env/Scripts ” and press enter.
    env scripts in Loan Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  4. activate

    Next, you need to type “activate” then press enter.
    activate in Loan Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  5. cd ../..

    Next, after you activate just type the command “cd../..
    cd in Loan Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  6. Install Django

    Next, type the command “pip install django”.
    install django in Loan Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  7. pip install -r requirements.txt

    Next, type the command ” pip install -r requirements.txt ” to install requirements.

  8. python makemigrations

    Next, after installing the requirements type this command ” python makemigrations ” to create a table in the database.

  9. python migrate –run-syncdb

    Next, after making migrations type this command ” python migrate –run-syncdb ” to migrate the tables in the database.

  10. python createsuperuser

    After the migration of the database, you need to create a super user to login into the admin account, just you need to type the command ” python createsuperuser “.

  11. python runserver

    Lastly, after creating a super user just type the command ” python runserver “.

    It should only be used for testing and launching your project; it should not be utilized for live website deployment.


    Finally, To access your project dashboard, type or copy this “” into your browser.
    copy url in Loan Management System Project in Django with Source Code

Download Source Code Here!


Finally, the result of all the hard work for the Loan management system is here in the Online loan management system.

It is software that allows the user to simply work with various banks and their branches.

This software improves efficiency by reducing the quantity of human data entering.

It has an extremely user-friendly interface that anyone can utilize. It also cuts down on the time it takes to write client information and other modules.

Finally, we can state that the software accurately completes all tasks and performs the work for which it was designed.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Loan Management System Project in Django With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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