Parking Management System Project In Codeigniter Source Code

The Parking Management System In Codeigniter is a fully functional web-based system.

It is built on the CodeIgniter Web Framework and uses PHP as its programming language.

PHP CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that allows you to create web applications.

This Parking Management System has a number of features that may be useful in managing parking spaces for your customers or guests.

This Parking Management System In PHP Codeigniter is useful for learning new skills and practicing web application development.

This system is quite useful, and the concept and logic of the project are simple to grasp.

The source code is open source and free to use. Simply scroll down and click the download option.

Parking Management System In Codeigniter: Project Output

Parking Management System Login Page
Parking Management System Login Page
Parking Management System Add Category
Parking Management System Add Category
Parking Management System Manage Category
Parking Management System Manage Category
Parking Management System Add Slot
Parking Management System Add Slot
Parking Management System Manage Slots
Parking Management System Manage Slots
Parking Management System Add Rate
Parking Management System Add Rate
Parking Management System Manage Rates
Parking Management System Manage Rates
 Parking Management System Add Parking
Parking Management System Add Parking
 Parking Management System Manage Parking
Parking Management System Manage Parking
Parking Management System View Reports
Parking Management System View Reports
Parking Management System Company Info
Parking Management System Company Info
Parking Management System Add Group
Parking Management System Add Group
Parking Management System Manage Groups
Parking Management System Manage Groups
Parking Management System Manage User
Parking Management System Manage User
Parking Management System Manage Users
Parking Management System Manage Users
Parking Management System My Profile
Parking Management System My Profile
Parking Management System Settings
Parking Management System Settings

What is a Parking Management System In Codeigniter?

The Parking Management System Using Codeigniter is a set of new technologies that provide parking sector solutions.

Any parking management system’s main concept is self-explanatory.

It’s a system that assists individuals, businesses, and organizations in managing their parking spaces.

Importance Of Parking Management System?

This Parking Management System Free Download keeps people from getting into your parking lots without permission.

So, people will have more confidence that their cars are well-protected, which will make them feel more secure.

Benefits Of Parking Management System In Codeigniter

  • Improved Parking – This allows drivers to rapidly locate the best available parking spot, saving time, resources, and effort.

    The parking space would be effectively utilized. When allocating a parking area, many parameters such as car size, weight, and so on are taken into account.

  • Congestion is lessened – As the number of vehicles in the parking lot decreases, traffic flow around the lot will improve.

  • Pollution is lessened -It goes hand in hand with less traffic. Smart parking allows for faster parking, reducing emissions from cars that are idling in a parking lot looking for a spot.

  • User-Friendly Design – By providing a single procedure, a parking management solution will expand and enhance the user’s experience.

    The payment of the driver, the identification of the parking area, the search for a parking space, and the notification of the time have all become more convenient.

  • Driver’s Background – The parking management solution assists drivers in swiftly and simply finding a place with minimal aggravation.

    It allows users to have a unified experience, from finding a parking spot to receiving real-time notifications to paying all at once.

  • Enhanced Security – Smart parking makes it simple to attain safety and security.
    Data can be given to parking lot employees to help them manage the lot better and keep an eye out for violations and suspicious activity.

  • Reduced Management and Operational Costs – More automation and less manual activity reduce labor costs.

    Any building, office, mall, or other structure would benefit greatly from a smart parking management solution.

    As the world’s population grows, more expansion and urbanization will occur, resulting in an increase in the number of vehicles on the road.

    Before you choose a parking management system, make sure it matches your needs, is simple to set up, and is simple to use.

About the Project: Parking Management System Project In Codeigniter With Source Code

The Parking Management System Project In Codeigniter was created with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax, JQUERY, and Modal, as well as the PHP Programming Language, Codeigniter Framework, and MySQL database.

This Parking Management System Project In PHP Codeigniter is primarily concerned with keeping track of a vehicle’s parking.

Additionally, the system displays all available parking spaces along with their current availability.

The system allows for the insertion of parking fees.

Admin and Employee Panel are the two sections of the project. An employee with limited access to the system is shown in an overview of this web application.

In order to control employee accounts, an administrator must set and enable a variety of access patterns.

In other words, an employee can only access the portion he or she has chosen. However, each employee can see the amount of available parking spaces, total parking, and overall profits by default.

Administrator Panel

An administrator, on the other hand, has complete control over the system. Every part can be maintained by an administrator. The management of vehicle classifications and parking places is the initial step in this system. For this, the administrator must give a few simple details.

Choose a name for the category and a status for it. The same may be said for the administration of parking spaces.

The admin must fill in the slot’s name, status, and availability here. Following this administration, the user can now go on to maintain parking fees.

This rate is constant throughout the system. This section contains parameters such as rate name, vehicle category, rate type, and rate.

Maintaining the parking rate is necessary for the following step, which is vehicle parking.

Manage Parking Permits and Parking Slips for Vehicles

Finally, the user may control vehicle parking after a lengthy process. An administrator must choose available parking slots, vehicle types, and fees while managing vehicle parking.

The system changes the availability state of selected parking slots to occupied and records the current date and time after submission. During the payment process, the current date and time are quite important.

The system computes the total hours of car parking and multiplies it by the parking rate chosen. In addition, the user must change the form and alter the payment area for the vehicle’s exit.

When the payment status changes to paid, the system calculates total earnings based on total hours worked.

After each parking record has been paid, the system generates parking slips with their individual parking codes.

Monthly Reports and Company Information Management

In the report area, the user can also see overall monthly reports in the form of graphs. Each month’s earnings are represented in these graphs.

Each year’s records are also available to the user. Not only that, but the user may get parking report data that shows the total amount for the year and month.

The monthly reports can also be printed by an administrator. This completely working system also has a feature that allows users to control the information in their firm.

Authorized users can change a company’s name, address, message/slogan, and set their own currency, for example.

The system’s entire currency is changed when a currency is put up.

Access Groups, User Management, and Other Features

An admin, on the other hand, has the authority to manage the system’s users. It’s crucial to create a number of access groups before creating system users.

It has a series of rules that prevent employees from accessing all of the system’s features.

An administrator must first create a group and then pick a set of permissions. The admin can now add system users to available groups after setting up permissions.

In addition, each user group has access to their own profiles. It also has a section dedicated to settings.

This area of the settings page contains personal account settings where users can alter their information and passwords.

Furthermore, the administrator can see a summary of overall profits, pending payments, available parking, system users, and available parking prices.

Project Details and Technology: Parking Management System In Codeigniter

Project Name:Parking Management System In Codeigniter
Abstract :This Parking Management System In Codeigniter is valuable to IT students who are acquiring new skills and require this type of project for their school, as well as for businesses that are related to parking and for malls, schools, condominiums, and soon.
Language/s Used:PHP (Codeigniter Framework)
PHP version (Recommended):5.4
Type:Website, Web Application
Developer:Glenn Magada Azuelo
Parking Management System Project In Codeigniter With Source Code – Project Information

This Parking Management System In Codeigniter also includes a downloadable Source Code; simply locate and click the downloadable Button below to begin downloading.

To start executing this Project In PHP With Source Code make sure that you have a sublime or any platform of PHP and MySQL installed on your computer.

Anyway, if you want to level up your programming knowledge, especially PHP, try this new article I’ve made for you Best PHP Projects With Source Code Free Download.

Parking Management System In CodeigniterSteps on how to run the project

Time needed: 5 minutes

Steps on how to run the project Parking Management System In Codeigniter

  • Step 1: Download Source Code

    First, find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading the source code file.
    Parking Management System In Codeigniter Download Button

  • Step 2: Extract File

    Next, after finished to download the file, go to the file location, right-click the file, and click.
    Parking Management System In Codeigniter Extract Files

  • Step 3: Copy Project Folder

    Next, copy the project folder and paste it to C:\xampp\htdocs.
    Clinic Management System In CodeIgniter Copy Project Folder

  • Step 4: Open Xampp

    Next, open Xampp and start the Apache and MySQL.
    Student Management System In Laravel Open Xampp

  • Step 5: Create Database

    Next, click any browser, type the URL localhost/phpmyadmin, and create a database.
    Parking Management System In Codeigniter Create Database

  • Step 6: Import Database

    Next, click the created database, click import to the right tab, and click choose file and import the sql file inside the download folder.
    Parking Management System In Codeigniter Import Database

  • Step 7: Execute Project

    Finally, type the URL localhost/parkingci/
    Parking Management System In Codeigniter Execute Project

Downloadable Source Code Here!


As a result, this System is a fundamental project for all starting and intermediate PHP users interested in learning more about PHP web applications.

Finally, the complete PHP (Codeigniter Framework) project is an absolute project with open-source code, and it is a good approach for users to learn more about it.

I hope that this Project With Source Code Using PHP (Codeigniter Framework) and MySQL will assist you in finding what you are searching for and that you will learn something helpful from it for future projects.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Parking Management System Project In Codeigniter With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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