Repair Shop Management System Project in Django

Repair Shop Management System Project in Django with Source Code – This Django Repair Shop Management System Project was built with Python, Django, and the SQLITE3 database.

All tasks are managed by the admin section. We’ve got you covered on everything from customer introductions to tracking their completion times.

The administrator has complete control over the gadget. The administrator will assign the product to the right staff when you bring it in for maintenance.

What is a Repair Shop Management System?

The Repair Shop Management System has been meticulously designed to make managing any type of repair shop/workshop simple.

It’s truly a cutting-edge, user-friendly, and effective management solution created specifically for you.

It’s a web-based system for managing repairs, clients, inventory, and purchases, among other things.

Project Details and Technology

The project information and technology used in this system are listed in the table below.

SQLite3 is the database, and Python Django is the programming language. Repair Shop Management System is the project name for this system.

The recommended Python version is 3.9, and sourcecodehero is the project’s author or developer.

Project Name:Repair Shop Management System in Django
Language/s Used:Python Django
Python version (Recommended):3.9
Type:Web Application

Why repair shop management system is important?

Today’s garages and repair businesses are more complicated than ever before.

Shops waste important minutes and hours on the same day-to-day operations without a structured framework for shop management.

Lost income and earnings result from squandered time.

That is why it is critical for automobile companies to search for ways to increase efficiency.

How can I make my repair shop more efficient?

  • Begin with a climate-controlled retail space. Happy technicians are more productive, as has been demonstrated time and time again.
  • Provide cutting-edge technology and diagnostic tools.
  • Make it clear to the staff that you care about them and that you want them to care about the consumers.

The administrator will mark your item as ready for delivery to the customer after it has been repaired. The product’s status can also be checked by the administrator.

He can check the annual or even monthly revenue of his Repair Shop. He also has authority over the store’s profits.

Major Functionalities Used in Repair Shop Management System Project in Django

Features of Repair Shop Management System in Django on the Admin side:

  • Login – This is the page where the system administrator enters their credentials to obtain access to the administrative side of the system.
  • Manage User – An administrator can use this page to add, amend, and delete user information.
  • Manage Enquiries – An administrator can use this page to add, edit, and delete information about inquiries.
  • Repair Details Management – This page allows an administrator to see all of the customers who have enquired about repairs.
  • Change Password – This is the page where an administrator can improve their security by changing their own password.

Features of Repair Shop Management System in Django in Frontend side:

  • Login – This is the page where the system user enters their system credentials to obtain access to the user side of the system.
  • Inquiry – This is the page where the user can inquire about their computer’s problem.
  • Update Enquiry – This is the website where a user can inquire about their computer’s problem.
  • Check Status – This page allows the user to see if their inquiry may be completed, rejected, or accepted.


To complete this Python Django project, you must be familiar with the following:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Database Administration

Make sure you have PyCharm Professional IDE installed on your computer before you begin constructing a Repair Shop Management System Project in Python Django.

The Steps to Run a Repair Shop Management System Project in Django

Time needed: 3 minutes

These are the steps to run a Repair Shop Management System Project in Django

  1. pip install virtualenv

    First, You need to install the virtualenv, Open a command prompt by going to the project folder directory and typing CMD. After opening the CMD type ” pip install virtualenv “.
    install virtual env in Repair Shop Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  2. virtualenv env

    Then, after installing virtualenv just type “virtualenv env” and enter.
    virtual env in Repair Shop Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  3. cd env/Scripts

    Next, just type ” cd env/Scripts ” and press enter.

  4. activate

    Next, you need to type “activate” and then press enter.
    activate in Repair Shop Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  5. cd ../..

    Next, just type ” cd ../..  ” and press enter.

  6. Install Django

    Next, type the command “pip install django”.Install DjangoNext, type the command “pip install django”.

  7. python makemigrations

    Next, after installing the Django type this command ” python makemigrations ” to create a table in the database.

  8. python migrate –run-syncdb

    Next, after making migrations type this command ” python migrate –run-syncdb ” to migrate the tables in the database.
    migrate in Repair Shop Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  9. python createsuperuser

    After the migration of the database, you need to create a super user to login in to the admin account, just you need to type the command ” python createsuperuser “.
    superuser in Repair Shop Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  10. python runserver

    Lastly, after creating a super user just type the command ” python runserver “. It should only be used for testing and launching your project; it should not be utilized for live website deployment.
    runserver in Repair Shop Management System Project in Django with Source Code


    Finally, To access your project dashboard, type or copy this “” into your browser.

Download Source Code Here!


In conclusion, this Repair Shop Management System using Django can be beneficial to students or professionals interested in learning the Python Django programming language.

This project can also be customized to meet your specific needs. I hope that this project will assist you in honing your talents.

This is how you make a Repair Shop Management System in Django in your Python projects.

In your Django projects, you can always expand and attempt alternative ways to implement the Repair Shop Management System in Django.

This Mini Project for Repair Shop Management System is free to download and use for educational purposes only. It is simple to comprehend and manipulate.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Repair Shop Management System Project in Django With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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