Student Evaluation System In C# Source Code with Example

This Student Evaluation System In C# is a useful project that helps people who are just starting out with programming to learn the language.

Furthermore, This Student Evaluation System In C# is also open source, which means that you can get the source code for free.

To start your project, just scroll down and look for the “Click Here to Download the Source Code” button.

Project Details and Technology

Name:Student Evaluation System In C# Source Code with Example
Project Type:Desktop Application
Technology :C# Visual Studio with C# Language
Database :MySQL
Developer:Source Code Hero

What is the Student Evaluation System?

Student Evaluation System is a way for students to rate the service provided by the institution, whether it’s just the classroom experience or all of it.

In some countries, like the US and Canada, “student evaluation” and “assessment of students’ learning” mean the same thing.

Many colleges and universities use student evaluation systems to show what’s good about a course or lecturer and what could be better.

Students are speaking up more and more around the world, and using student feedback has been suggested as a way to help teachers improve their skills.

What is the importance of the Student Evaluation System In C#?

These Student Evaluation Systems are helpful for figuring out what the best parts of a course are, where it could be improved, and what makes students happy.

They are a very important way to make teaching and learning better.

Objectives of Student Evaluation System In C#?

The Student Evaluation System in C# with Source Code is made with the C# programming language.

The main goal of this system is to cut down on the time workers have to spend evaluating students so they can focus on more important tasks.


These are the features of the Student Evaluation System in C#:

  • Manages Student.
  • Manage Grades.
  • Controls the curriculum.
  • Look after users.
  • Set Pre-Requites.
  • Manage Courses.
  • Print the course’s curriculum.
  • Print the Student List.
  • Sign in and sign off.

Basic Steps on how to run the project

Time needed: 5 minutes

  • Step 1: Download the source code.

    To begin, look for the downloaded source code file below and click to start downloading it.
    download Student Evaluation System in C#

  • Step 2: Extract File.

    After you’ve finished downloading the file, go to where it is and right-click it to “extract” it.
    extract Student Evaluation System in C#

  • Step 3: Copy the Project Folder.

    After that, move the project folder to C:xampphtdocs.
    folder Student Evaluation System in C#

  • Step 4: Open Xampp.

    After that, start Apache and MySQL using xampp.
    xampp Student Evaluation System in C#

  • Step 5: Create a database.

    Next, open a browser and type localhost/phpmyadmin into the address bar to make a database.
    database Student Evaluation System in C#

  • Step 6: Import Database.

    After that, go to the right tab and click on Import. Then click File and import the sql file from the download folder.

  • Step 7: Open VS Code

    Open Visual Studio, choose the project you’ve downloaded.

  • Step 8: Start Project

    Lastly, Click Start the project

Login Details:

  • Username : admin
  • Password : admin

Those are the basic steps on how to start the project Student Evaluation System in C#, download the source code below for free and make it your own project.

Download The Source Code Below

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