Student Management System Project in Python With Source Code

What is a Student Management System in Python?

The Student Management System in Python is a simple console-based system that is very easy to understand and use.

Talking about the system, it contains basic functions which include adding students, viewing students, searching students, and removing the students.

This Student Management System Python Project file contains a Python script ( This

Project Details and Technology

Project Name:Student Management System in Python With Source Code
AbstractA Student Management System is also known as a Student Information System (SIS).

These systems work to coordinate scheduling and communications between faculty regarding students.
Language/s Used:Python Programming
Python version (Recommended):3.8 or 3.9
Type:Desktop Application
Student Management System – Project Information

Objective of Student Management System in Python

The main objective of the Student Management System Python is to manage the details of Profiles, Courses, Logins, Exams, and Fees.

It manages all the information about Profiles, Students, Fees, and Profiles.

The project is built at the administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed access.

What is Student Database Management?

A student database management system automates manual performance record administration by allowing users to access data from any location and at any time via the Internet.

What is the scope of the Student Management System?

This system is designed to be completely user-friendly as well as efficient when it comes to managing various duties.

These responsibilities could include everything from enrolling new students to managing fees and exams, as well as all other necessary aspects. for making the school’s administrative division more efficient

What are the benefits of a Student Management System?

The first key benefit of a student management system is that it allows a school to maintain good track of student data.

This covers things like student fees, exam records, transportation provided by the school and used by students, and student use of libraries and other school facilities.

1. Better Performance by Students

2. Simplifying & Streamlining all Tasks

3. Better Communication

4. Easy Access to All

5. Managing Timetables

6. Complete Tracking of the Students

What should the Student Management System include?

Functionality to support inquiries and admissions, enrolment and fees, assessment and progression, completion and graduation, regulatory and organizational reporting, and curriculum administration are all common elements of most student management software systems.

Why is a Student Management System in Python using Tkinter?

It helps Simply And Streamlines All Task: As a teacher, keeping track of all the activities done by each student is never easy and inefficient.

However with this online school management software, teachers are able to keep track of each student work and what is yet to be done.

How do you create a Student Management System using Python?

Simple Student Management project is written in Python. The project file contains a Python script (

import platform
global studentlist
studentlist = ["jason yap", "Jake ramos", "James Pascual", "Jester Paglinga"]
def studentmanagement():
print("\n++++++ Welcome to Evanz College Student Management System ++++++\n")
print("[Choice 1: Showing the List of Student]")
print("[Choice 2: Add New Student]")
print("]Choice 3: Searching Student]")
print("[Choice 4: Deleting a Student]\n")
x = int(input("Enter a choice: "))
except ValueError:
exit("\nHy! This is not a Number")
print("Student List\n")
for students in studentlist:
print("++ {} ++".format(students))
studentnew = input("Enter New Student: ")
if(studentnew in studentlist):
print("\nThis Student {} Already In The Table".format(studentnew))
print("\n++ New Student {} Added Successfully ++\n".format(studentnew))
for students in studentlist:
print("++ {} ++".format(students))
studentsearching = input("Choose Student Name To Search: ")
if(studentsearching in studentlist):
print("\n++ There is a Record Found of this Student {} ++".format(studentsearching))
print("\n++ There is No Record Found Of this Student {} ++".format(studentsearching))
studentdelete = input("Choose a Student Name To Delete: ")
if(studentdelete in studentlist):
for students in studentlist:
print("++ {} ++".format(students))
print("\n++ There is No Record Found of This Student {} ++".format(studentdelete))
elif(x < 1 or x > 4):
print("Please Enter Valid Choice")
def continueAgain():
runningagain = input("\nWant to continue the process yes/no?: ")
if(runningagain.lower() == 'yes'):
if(platform.system() == "Windows"):

Student Management System in Python

Student Management System in Python with Source Code. This Student Management System is developed using Python programming language.

The project report contains a Python script ( This is a simple console-based system that’s very clean to recognize and use.

Talking about the system, it consists of basic features that encompass Adding students, viewing college students, searching for college students, and getting rid of the student.

In this mini undertaking, there may be no such login device. In this manner, he/she can use all the available functions without problems with no restrictions.

To start executing Project With Source Code, make sure that you have installed Python 3.9 and PyCharm on your computer.

How to run a Student Management System In Python?

These are the steps on how to run a Student Management System in Python With Source Code.

Time needed: 5 minutes

Student Management System Project In Python

  • Step 1: Download the given source code below.

    First, download the given source code below and unzip the source code.
    student management system project in python download source code

  • Step 2: Extract zip.

    Next, right-click the zip file and extract the file.
    student management system project in python extract zip file

  • Step 3: Import the project to your PyCharm IDE

    Next, import the source code you’ve download to your PyCharm IDE.
    student management system project in python open project

  • Step 4: Run the project.

    Last, right-click and click run.
    student management system in python run project

Download the Source Code below


This Python Project With Source Code is the way to enhance and broaden our competencies and logic ideas which is essential in training the Python programming language which is maximum well-known and most usable programming language in lots of companies.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Student Management System in Python With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

1 thought on “Student Management System Project in Python With Source Code”

  1. Hi, I would like to get access to the Student Management System to work on my work. How do I get it with the source code? Please let me know Do you write additional software requirements?
    Look forward to receiving your reply.
    Thank you and regards


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