Event Management System Project In Python With Source Code

The Event Management System Project In Python is a fully functional console-based application developed in Python that covers all of the features that IT students and computer-related courses will require for their college projects or assignments.

These can be helpful articles and projects that you are looking for.

This Event Management System is a simple project that can help businesses who are struggling in terms of managing their events.

The purpose of this system is to provide well-organized data.

This Event Management System Project Source Code In Python is quite useful, and the concept and logic of the project are simple to grasp.

The source code is open source and free to use. Simply scroll down and click the download option.

Event Management System Project In Python: Project Output

Event Management System Project Output
Event Management System Project Output

What Is an Event Management System Project In Python?

The Event Management Project In Python helps event planners plan, run, and report on events, which makes their business more successful.

What Is Event Management All About?

This Python Event System means taking care of all the details before and during a conference, wedding, or any other kind of organized gathering.

Event managers put the plans for the event into action by taking care of staff, finances, relationships with vendors, and more.

Why Event Management Is Needed?

Event management planning is very important for any event to go well.

The proper management system is the document that shows how all the different moving parts and different parts of your event will work together to make it safe and fun.

Benefits Of Event Management Software

  • Management is simpler – Event management software allows you to keep track of all the moving pieces of your event, making it operate more smoothly. This makes organizing your event a lot easier than managing the project and organizing all of the aspects independently.
  • Time Savings – Automating all operations, and events will help you save time. The program allows you to streamline all procedures for swift and seamless execution, from registration tracking and reservations to payment processing and follow-up emails. Manually performing all of these activities would be extremely time-consuming and inefficient. All responsibilities are centralized in an integrated system where everything you need to run your event is in one location, making event administration quick, simple, and efficient while saving you time.
  • Data Collection Improvements – Keeping a handwritten log of attendee details and preferences, such as who was invited and who paid for their ticket, is tough at events. Events streamlines and simplifies this process, making data collecting easier and more efficient. It also makes it easier to collect leads at the event so you can send personalized emails to segmented email lists. The program also keeps data up to date on a regular basis and manages personal data in accordance with current regulations.
  • Improve And Analyze – Events allows you to simply analyze the success of your event with tools such as live polling, reporting, and analytics. Gather comments from participants and create reports so you can evaluate what went well and where you can make improvements for the future. To analyze the success of various sections of your event, you can separate each individual element, such as ticket sales and feedback on speakers. You may also segment your audience by age or demography so that you can better cater to their needs at your next event.

About the Project: Event Management System In Python With Source Code

The Event Management System Project In Python is a console-based application written in the Python programming language.

The project is open source, and it was made for novices who wish to learn Python. Event Management System Project In Python With Source Code can run in console mode, which aims to provide well organized data management for event organizers.

The system is simple to use; you just need to select a given option in a terminal window of the project. You can book a ticket, view a ticket, create events, view events, and get a summary of all the events.  I hope this article helps you a lot.

Project Details and Technology: Event Management System Project In Python

Project Name:Event Management System Project In Python
Abstract:This Event Management System Project In Python is a Python project that aims to provide well-organized event management for organizers as well as for IT students that need this kind of project for their school.
Language/s Used:Python
Python version (Recommended):3.8 or 3.9
Type:Console Application
Developer:Source Code Hero
Event Management System Project In Python With Source Code – Project Information

The code given below is the full source code on Health Management System In Python.


import pickle  
import os
import pathlib


# Event Management System

# Features :
# 1. Create An Event
# 2. View Events
# 3. Book Ticket
# 4. View Ticket
# 5. Condition Check If Customer Already Buy Same Event Ticket
# 6. Condition Check if All Tickets are sold Out.
# 7. Show Overall Event Summary

import pickle   #Python pickle module is used for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure
import os
import pathlib

############################### Book a Ticket Class

class Ticket:
    name = ''
    email = ''
    event = ''
    reference = 200000

    def bookTicket(self):
        self.name= input("Enter Customer Name: ")
        self.email = input("Enter Customer Email: ")
        file = pathlib.Path("events.data")
        if file.exists():
            infile = open('events.data', 'rb')
            eventdetails = pickle.load(infile)

            self.reference = input("Enter Reference Code(10000 - 50000) : ")
            while True:
                if int(self.reference) <= 10000:
                    print("Warning: Please Enter Valid Reference Code")
                    self.reference = input("Enter Reference Code(10000 - 50000) : ")

        for event in eventdetails:
            print("Available Event Code : " + event.eventcode + " Event Name : " + event.eventname)
        self.event = input("Enter Event Code: ")

    def check(self):
        file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data")
        if file.exists():
            infile = open('tickets.data', 'rb')
            ticketdetails = pickle.load(infile)
            for ticket in ticketdetails:
                if ticket.email == self.email and ticket.event == self.event:
                    return True

    def gettotalticketcount(self):
        file = pathlib.Path("events.data")
        if file.exists():
            infile = open('events.data', 'rb')
            eventdetails = pickle.load(infile)
            for event in eventdetails:
                if event.eventcode == self.event:
                    return int(event.eventTotalAvaibleSeat)
            return 0

    def getBookedSeatCount(self):
        file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data")
        counter= 0
        if file.exists():
            infile = open('tickets.data', 'rb')
            ticketdetails = pickle.load(infile)
            for ticket in ticketdetails:
                if ticket.event == self.event:
                    counter = counter + 1
            return int(counter)
        return 0

############################ Create Event Class

class Event:
    eventname = ''
    eventcode = ''
    eventTotalAvaibleSeat = 10

    def createEvent(self):
        self.eventname= input("Enter Event Name: ")
        self.eventcode = input("Enter Event Code: ")
        self.eventTotalAvaibleSeat = input("Enter Event Total Availble Seats: ")
        print("\n\n ------> Event Created!")

############################################## Main Program Modules

# Book Ticket and Check Condition

def bookEventTicket():
    ticket = Ticket()
    if ticket.check():
        print("Warning : You Already Book A Seat")

    elif ticket.getBookedSeatCount() >= ticket.gettotalticketcount():
        print("Warning : All Ticket Sold Out")

        print("Sucess : Ticket Booked!")

# Save Ticket Detials to File

def saveTicketDetiails(ticket):
    file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data")
    if file.exists():
        infile = open('tickets.data', 'rb')
        oldlist = pickle.load(infile)
        oldlist = [ticket]
    outfile = open('tempTicket.data', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile)
    os.rename('tempTicket.data', 'tickets.data')

# Display Saved Ticket Details

def getTicketDetails():
    file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data")
    if file.exists ():
        infile = open('tickets.data','rb')
        ticketdetails = pickle.load(infile)
        print("---------------TICKET DETAILS---------------------")
        print("T-Ref    C-Name    C-Email    E-Code")
        for ticket in ticketdetails :
            print(ticket.reference,"\t",ticket.name,"\t", ticket.email, "\t",ticket.event)
        input('Press Enter To Main Menu')
    else :
        print("NO TICKET RECORDS FOUND")

# Create Event Module

def createEvent():
    event = Event()

# Save Event Details to File

def saveEventDetails(event):
    file = pathlib.Path("events.data")
    if file.exists():
        infile = open('events.data', 'rb')
        oldlist = pickle.load(infile)
        oldlist = [event]
    outfile = open('tempevents.data', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile)
    os.rename('tempevents.data', 'events.data')

# Display All Event Details

def getEventsDetails():
    file = pathlib.Path("events.data")
    if file.exists ():
        infile = open('events.data','rb')
        eventdetails = pickle.load(infile)
        print("---------------EVENT DETAILS---------------------")
        print("E-Name    E-Code    E-Total-Seats")
        for event in eventdetails :
            print(event.eventname,"\t", event.eventcode, "\t",event.eventTotalAvaibleSeat)
        input('Press Enter To Main Menu')
    else :
        print("NO EVENTS RECORDS FOUND")

# Display Reports About Events

def getEventsSummary():
    filetickets = pathlib.Path("tickets.data")
    if filetickets.exists():
        infiletickets = open('tickets.data', 'rb')
        ticketdetails = pickle.load(infiletickets)

    fileEvents = pathlib.Path("events.data")
    if fileEvents.exists ():
        infileEvents = open('events.data','rb')
        eventdetails = pickle.load(infileEvents)

        for event in eventdetails :
            print("\n\nEvent Name : " + event.eventname + " | Total Seats : " + event.eventTotalAvaibleSeat + " \n")
            for ticket in ticketdetails:
                if event.eventcode == ticket.event:
                    print(ticket.reference, "\t", ticket.name, "\t", ticket.email)


        input('Press Enter To Main Menu')
    else :
        print("NO EVENTS RECORDS FOUND")

###################################################### Start Program
while ch != 8:
    print("\t\t\t\tEVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM")
    print("\tMAIN MENU")
    print("\t1. BOOK TICKET")
    print("\t2. VIEW TICKET")
    print("\t3. CREATE EVENTS")
    print("\t4. VIEW EVENTS")
    print("\t5. SHOW SUMMARY")
    print("\tSelect Your Option (1-5) ")
    ch = input()

    if ch == '1':
    elif ch == '2':
    elif ch == '3':
    elif ch == '4':
    elif ch == '5':

This Event Management System Project In Python also includes a downloadable Project With Source Code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.

By the way, if you are new to python programming and you don’t have any idea what Python IDE to use, I have here a list of Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, Mac OS for you.

Additionally, I also have here How to Download and Install Latest Version of Python on Windows.

To start executing an Event Management System Project In Python, make sure that you have installed Python in your computer.

Event Management System Project In Python: Steps on how to run the project

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run Event Management System Project In Python

  • Step 1: Download Source Code

    First, find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading the source code file.
    Online Shopping System Project in Python Download Button

  • Step 2: Extract File

    Next, after finished to download the file, go to file location and right click the file and click extract.
    Event Management System Project In Python Extract File

  • Step 3: Open Project Path and Open CMD (Command Prompt).

    In order for you to run the project, you just need to open the project path and type CMD. The first thing you need to do is type py main.py in the command prompt. After that, just wait for a few seconds to load the system.
    Event Management System Project In Python Execute Project

Download Source Code below!


This Article is the way to enhance and develop our skills and logic ideas which is important in practicing the python programming language which is most well known and most usable programming language in many company.


If you have any questions or suggestions about Event Management System Project In Python please feel free to leave a comment below.

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