Bike Rental System Project in C with Source Code

The concept of a Bike Rental System Project in C with Source Code is to generate rental records, add details, and update them.

Here, users can enter information about their bikes as well as information about their customers.

The entire project was designed in the ‘C’ programming language, and several variables and strings were employed in its creation. Users will find it simple to use and comprehend.

We have included downloadable zip file in C at the end of the program so that you may run the following codes.

Features of Rental System Project in C?

Features of Rental System Project in C

1. Login procedure
2. Secured with a password
3. Validations that are appropriate
4. Maintaining records is simple.
5. Rent a bike
6. View Rental Record
7. Remove Rental Record
8. Search Rental Record
9. Edit Record
10. Exit application

Advantages of bike rental system project in C?

It computes the rental charge as well as the penalty for returning the car after the due date.

This bike rental system includes several modules and features that enable users to create, update, view, and delete stock-management-related items from the system database.

Sample Output

What is the importance of the bike rental management system project in C?

The Bike Renting System with Source Code is a project that allows users to hire bicycles.

The system may assist you in editing, deleting views, managing, and searching for bike rentals for your customers.

The Bike Renting System’s objective is to help and preserve the management of customer renting records.

What benefits of using a bike through this Bike Renting System with Source Code?

Transportation flexibility, fewer automobile emissions, health benefits, reduced congestion and fuel use, and financial savings for people are all advantages of bike-sharing schemes.

The most unique feature of public bicycles is the concept of sharing.

About the project

The Bike Rental System was created as a simple console program; in order to access the system, a user login is required.

The user can perform a variety of tasks in the system, including registering leased bike information, viewing rental records, removing rental records, and editing records.

The system includes all of the functions required to run the rental system; you can easily control the renting process by entering the customer’s information.

The data entered is saved as a text extension file. The Bike Rental System was designed in a basic C coding style to instruct and assist beginners in beginning their programming careers.

The project below includes all of the essential and necessary components that first-, second-, and third-year IT students can use for college assignments.

The project was totally written in C and edited using the Codeblocks editor.

Project Details and Technology

Project Name:Bike Rental System Project in C with source code
AbstractBike Rental System Project in C firms generally serve customers who need a temporary bike, such as those who do not own a transporter stuff, out-of-town travelers, or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair or insurance settlement.
Language/s Used:C
C version (Recommended):C17
Type:Desktop Application

To start executing this project, makes sure that you have  Codeblocks or any platform of code editor installed in your computer.

Procedure to run the system

Time needed: 3 minutes

  • Step 1: Download Source Code

    To get started, find the downloaded source code file below and click to start downloading it.

  • Step 2: Extract File

    Navigate to the file’s location when you’ve finished downloading it and right-click it to extract it.

    Bike Rental System Project in C extract

  • Step 3: Open the project

    Next, open Codeblocks app and click open project and choose your downloaded project.

    Bike Rental System Project in C open

  • Step 4: Run the project.

    Next, right click the project folder and click run or you could just paste the code above in your favorite compiler.

    Bike Rental System Project in C run

User Log in Information

User Log in Information

Username: admin
Password: admin

Download the Source Code below


For those Web developers interested in learning more about desktop apps, this system is a fully functional project.


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