Flappy Bird Game In Python With Source Code

The Flappy Bird Game In Python is an arcade game in which the player controls FABY, a continuously right-moving bird.

FABY must be guided between pairs of pipes with equal-sized gaps at random heights.

When the player taps the touchscreen, FABY drops automatically and only ascends when the player taps again.

The player receives one point for each successful pass through two pipes.

The game is over when you collide with a pipe or the ground. This Flappy Bird Game Code In Python is useful for learning new skills and practicing Python Game development.

Project Output:

Flappy Bird Game In Python Screenshot
Flappy Bird Game In Python Screenshot
Flappy Bird Game In Python Screenshot
Flappy Bird Game In Python Screenshot

How Do You Play Flappy Bird Game?

You take on the role of the player, and all you have to do is tap the screen to stay afloat while avoiding various obstacles.

You will die and have to start over if you strike any of the obstacles or the bottom of the screen. That’s all there is to it.

Project Details and Technology

Project Name:Flappy Bird Game In Python
Abstract:This Flappy Bird Game is a simple game for users who want this kind of gaming platform for their leisure time, as well as for students who need this project.
Language/s Used:Python (GUI Based)
Python version (Recommended):3.8 or 3.9
Type:Desktop Application
Developer:Source Code Hero
Flappy Bird Game With Source Code – Project Information

About The Project

The Flappy Bird Game in Python With Source Code is a simple desktop application made using the Python programming language.

We may also create highly fascinating games with the Python programming language. The Flappy Bird game is one of them.

In addition, The project system file comprises resource files as well as a Python script. The graphics of the game are smooth, and the controls are simple.

Moreover, this Flappy Bird With Python includes a tutorial and a code development guide.

This is a simple and basic-level little project for learning purposes.

How To Make A Flappy Bird Game In Python?

The code given below is the full source code on How To Make Flappy Bird In Python.

The given code below is a Python file for flappy.py

import random  # For generating random numbers
import sys  # We will use sys.exit to exit the program
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *  # Basic pygame imports

# Global Variables for the game
FPS = 32
scr_width = 289
scr_height = 511
display_screen_window = pygame.display.set_mode((scr_width, scr_height))
play_ground = scr_height * 0.8
game_image = {}
game_audio_sound = {}
player = 'images/bird.png'
bcg_image = 'images/background.png'
pipe_image = 'images/pipe.png'

def welcome_main_screen():
    Shows welcome images on the screen

    p_x = int(scr_width / 5)
    p_y = int((scr_height - game_image['player'].get_height()) / 2)
    msgx = int((scr_width - game_image['message'].get_width()) / 2)
    msgy = int(scr_height * 0.13)
    b_x = 0
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            # if user clicks on cross button, close the game
            if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE):

            # If the user presses space or up key, start the game for them
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP):
                display_screen_window.blit(game_image['background'], (0, 0))
                display_screen_window.blit(game_image['player'], (p_x, p_y))
                display_screen_window.blit(game_image['message'], (msgx, msgy))
                display_screen_window.blit(game_image['base'], (b_x, play_ground))

def main_gameplay():
    score = 0
    p_x = int(scr_width / 5)
    p_y = int(scr_width / 2)
    b_x = 0

    n_pip1 = get_Random_Pipes()
    n_pip2 = get_Random_Pipes()

    up_pips = [
        {'x': scr_width + 200, 'y': n_pip1[0]['y']},
        {'x': scr_width + 200 + (scr_width / 2), 'y': n_pip2[0]['y']},

    low_pips = [
        {'x': scr_width + 200, 'y': n_pip1[1]['y']},
        {'x': scr_width + 200 + (scr_width / 2), 'y': n_pip2[1]['y']},

    pip_Vx = -4

    p_vx = -9
    p_mvx = 10
    p_mvy = -8
    p_accuracy = 1

    p_flap_accuracy = -8
    p_flap = False

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE):
            if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP):
                if p_y > 0:
                    p_vx = p_flap_accuracy
                    p_flap = True

        cr_tst = is_Colliding(p_x, p_y, up_pips,
        if cr_tst:

        p_middle_positions = p_x + game_image['player'].get_width() / 2
        for pipe in up_pips:
            pip_middle_positions = pipe['x'] + game_image['pipe'][0].get_width() / 2
            if pip_middle_positions <= p_middle_positions < pip_middle_positions + 4:
                score += 1
                print(f"Your score is {score}")

        if p_vx < p_mvx and not p_flap:
            p_vx += p_accuracy

        if p_flap:
            p_flap = False
        p_height = game_image['player'].get_height()
        p_y = p_y + min(p_vx, play_ground - p_y - p_height)

        for pip_upper, pip_lower in zip(up_pips, low_pips):
            pip_upper['x'] += pip_Vx
            pip_lower['x'] += pip_Vx

        if 0 < up_pips[0]['x'] < 5:
            new_pip = get_Random_Pipes()

        if up_pips[0]['x'] < -game_image['pipe'][0].get_width():

        display_screen_window.blit(game_image['background'], (0, 0))
        for pip_upper, pip_lower in zip(up_pips, low_pips):
            display_screen_window.blit(game_image['pipe'][0], (pip_upper['x'], pip_upper['y']))
            display_screen_window.blit(game_image['pipe'][1], (pip_lower['x'], pip_lower['y']))

        display_screen_window.blit(game_image['base'], (b_x, play_ground))
        display_screen_window.blit(game_image['player'], (p_x, p_y))
        d = [int(x) for x in list(str(score))]
        w = 0
        for digit in d:
            w += game_image['numbers'][digit].get_width()
        Xoffset = (scr_width - w) / 2

        for digit in d:
            display_screen_window.blit(game_image['numbers'][digit], (Xoffset, scr_height * 0.12))
            Xoffset += game_image['numbers'][digit].get_width()

def is_Colliding(p_x, p_y, up_pipes, low_pipes):
    if p_y > play_ground - 25 or p_y < 0:
        return True

    for pipe in up_pipes:
        pip_h = game_image['pipe'][0].get_height()
        if (p_y < pip_h + pipe['y'] and abs(p_x - pipe['x']) < game_image['pipe'][0].get_width()):
            return True

    for pipe in low_pipes:
        if (p_y + game_image['player'].get_height() > pipe['y']) and abs(p_x - pipe['x']) < \
            return True

    return False

def get_Random_Pipes():
    Generate positions of two pipes(one bottom straight and one top rotated ) for blitting on the screen
    pip_h = game_image['pipe'][0].get_height()
    off_s = scr_height / 3
    yes2 = off_s + random.randrange(0, int(scr_height - game_image['base'].get_height() - 1.2 * off_s))
    pipeX = scr_width + 10
    y1 = pip_h - yes2 + off_s
    pipe = [
        {'x': pipeX, 'y': -y1},  # upper Pipe
        {'x': pipeX, 'y': yes2}  # lower Pipe
    return pipe

if __name__ == "__main__":

    time_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    pygame.display.set_caption('Flappy Bird Game')
    game_image['numbers'] = (

    game_image['message'] = pygame.image.load('images/message.png').convert_alpha()
    game_image['base'] = pygame.image.load('images/base.png').convert_alpha()
    game_image['pipe'] = (pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.image.load(pipe_image).convert_alpha(), 180),

    # Game sounds
    game_audio_sound['die'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/die.wav')
    game_audio_sound['hit'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/hit.wav')
    game_audio_sound['point'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/point.wav')
    game_audio_sound['swoosh'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/swoosh.wav')
    game_audio_sound['wing'] = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/wing.wav')

    game_image['background'] = pygame.image.load(bcg_image).convert()
    game_image['player'] = pygame.image.load(player).convert_alpha()

    while True:
        welcome_main_screen()  # Shows welcome screen to the user until he presses a button
        main_gameplay()  # This is the main game function

By the way, if you are new to Python programming and don’t have any idea what Python IDE to use, I have here a list of the Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS for you.

Additionally, I also have here How to Download and Install the Latest Version of Python on Windows.

To start executing a Flappy Bird Game, make sure that you have installed Python on your computer.

Steps On How To Run The Project

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run Flappy Bird Game In Python with Source Code

  • Download Source Code

    First, find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading the source code file.
    Currency Converter Project In Java

  • Extract File

    Next, after finished to download the file, go to the file location right-click the file and click extract.
    customer management system in php

  • Open PyCharm

    Next, open pycharm IDE and open the project you’ve downloaded.
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  • Run Project

    Next, go to the Pycharm and click the run button to start executing the project.
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Download the Source Code below!


This article is a way to enhance and develop our skills and logic ideas which is important in practicing the python programming language which is the most well-known and most usable programming language in many companies.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Flappy Bird Game In Python With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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