Online Charity Management System Project in Django

Online Charity Management System Project in Django with Source Code – This Django-based online charity management system was built using Python, Django, and an SQLITE3 database.

Non-profits will find it easier to find donors with this charity management system. The three modules that make up this system are Admin, NGO, and Donor.

Project Details and Technology

The components and technologies of the system are listed in the table below.

The project was designed by Sourcecodehero, and SQLite3 was chosen as the database.

The project’s name is Online Charity Management System, and Python Django is the programming language utilized. Python 3.9 is the latest recent version.

Project Name:Online Charity Management System
Language/s Used:Python Django
Python version (Recommended):3.9
Type:Web Application

Abstract for Online Charity Management System

The actions involved in the design and deployment of the Web-based charity management system are summarized in this research paper.

This charity management system is a non-profit organization that allows non-governmental organizations and contributors to request and provide finances and goods such as clothing, hospital equipment, and other items.

These goals include establishing an online payment system, establishing a login and registration page, scheduling appointments, allowing users to cancel appointments, and allowing them to access the financing and another donation system.

Using Unified Modeling Language diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, and Data Flow Diagrams, the project’s design was then built to depict the achievement of these goals.

Aim and Objectives for Online Charity Management System

The main goals and objectives of this project are to create a web-based tool that aids donors and non-governmental organizations in their work.

Design and implement an automated method to improve services and reduce time spent on phone calls and searching for donation services.

Configure an online payment gateway system to allow individuals to pay with their mobile devices. Create a user registration page, login page, and online appointment booking system.

We propose creating a charity management system for the distribution of donations among charities, as well as the capacity to notify individuals about surpluses and the needy who require assistance.

Significance of the Project for Online Charity Management System

This project will be able to provide solutions to the primary challenges faced by charity management firms by first allowing individuals to donate online rather than by phone, which will benefit both donors and NGOs.

Donors can also learn about the NGOs’ history, the services they provide, and the assistance they provide on the web.

Second, by just being published on the web, the project will be a simpler approach to marketing the Firm.

By the completion of the project, the Charity Organization that will use this web-based approach should be able to maintain track of appointment records, reduce the number of phone calls received, and finally assist in achieving the required number of donors.

Admins can use their credentials to log in and approve or reject the NGO’s request. Approval will be granted after the NGO’s documentation has been reviewed.

A report on the NGOs that receive donations will be sent to Admin. NGOs can create an account and upload their paperwork to submit requests.

Beginners can learn how to develop a web-based Python Django project by working on an Online Charity Management System in Django.

The whole source code and database for the Python project will be provided to you so that you can easily install it on your PC and learn how to program in Python.

Major Functionalities Used in Online Charity Management System Project in Django

Features of Online Charity Management System using Django on the frontend side:

  • Register – This is the page where new users create their website login credentials.
  • Login – This is the page where the system user enters their credentials to obtain access to the system’s users side.
  • Fund Request – This is the page where a user can submit an online fund request.
  • NGO Verification – This page allows users to submit their NGO verification information online.


To complete this Python Django project, you must be familiar with the following:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Database Administration

Make sure you have PyCharm Professional IDE installed on your computer before you begin constructing an Online Charity Management System Project in Python Django.

The Steps to Run an Online Charity Management System in Django

Time needed: 3 minutes

These are the steps to run an Online Charity Management System Project in Django

  1. pip install virtualenv

    First, You need to install the virtualenv, Open a command prompt by going to the project folder directory and typing CMD. After opening the CMD type ” pip install virtualenv “.
    install virtual env in Online Charity Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  2. virtualenv env

    Then, after installing virtualenv just type “virtualenv env” and enter.

  3. cd env/Scripts

    Next, type ” cd env/Scripts ” and press enter.
    env in Online Charity Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  4. activate

    Next, you need to type “activate” and then press enter.
    activate in Online Charity Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  5. cd ../..

    Next, type ” cd ../..  ” and press enter.
    cd in Online Charity Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  6. Install Django

    Next, type the command “pip install django”.
    install django in Online Charity Management System Project in Django with Source Code

  7. pip install -r requirements.txt

    Next, type the command ” pip install -r requirements.txt ” to install requirements.

  8. python makemigrations

    Next, after installing the requirements type this command ” python makemigrations ” to create a table in the database.

  9. python migrate –run-syncdb

    Next, after making migrations type this command ” python migrate –run-syncdb ” to migrate the tables in the database.

  10. python createsuperuser

    After the migration of the database, you need to create a super user to login into the admin account, just you need to type the command ” python createsuperuser “.

  11. python runserver

    Lastly, after creating a super user just type the command ” python runserver “.

    It should only be used for testing and launching your project; it should not be utilized for live website deployment.


    Finally, To access your project dashboard, type or copy this “” into your browser.
    copy url in Online Charity Management System Project in Django with Source Code

Download Source Code Here!


In conclusion, the charity management system in nonprofit organizations will be this web method will empower them because it will provide them the greatest advantage and advantage over their competitors who are not subscribers to this initiative.

Many more platforms exist, but they all have flaws, as evidenced by the literature covered in this chapter.

As a result, it is critical to investigate various resources that are both widely available and offer a better mix and improvement to increase the Charity Management firm throughout the world.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Online Charity Management System Project in Django With Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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