ER Diagram for Online Hotel Reservation System

In this article, we will cover how to create a hotel reservation system ER diagram.

This ER diagram for the Online Hotel Reservation System is the project design that displays hotel reservation entities.

Furthermore, this describes the logical structure of the system’s database or data storage.

It is done by identifying the online hotel reservation process entities, their properties, and the interactions between them.

The database design is outlined using online hotel reservation system project ER diagrams.

This database design becomes the actual basis of the system’s data storage that will serve as the data destination and source.

Online Hotel Reservation System ER Diagram: Details

The table shows the overall description of the ER diagram of the Online Hotel Reservation system. It has a complete overview of project details.

Name:Online Hotel Reservation System ER Diagram
Abstract:The online hotel reservation system ER diagram defines the relationship between various entities. It can be thought of as a blueprint for your system (project) structure. 
Diagram:ER Diagram is also known as Entity Relationship Diagram
Tools Used:Diagraming tools that provide ER diagram symbols.
Users:Website, Applications, and Software.
Online Hotel Reservation System ER Diagram: Details

What is an Online Hotel Reservation System?

A hotel reservation system is a piece of software that allows clients to book directly with the hotel online, bypassing the need for middlemen.

It enables guests to design their own vacation at their leisure.

It’s a software application that shows your live pricing and inventory across all of your channels in real time, allowing guests to choose their travel dates and complete their reservations.

What is an ER Diagram?

The ER Diagram also refers to the database design of the online hotel reservation system. It is the graphical representation of the relationships between all system entities. It consists mostly of Entities, Attributes, and Relationships.

Importance of ER Diagram

In addition, the ER diagram describes entity relationships with other entities. ER diagrams are utilized for all other real-world tasks.

In relation to its data flow diagram, the ER diagram for the online hotel reservation system is used to display the details and attributes of the data.

They are essential for constructing a relational database because they let us visualize how data is generically associated.

(ER) Diagram for Hotel Reservation System

The ER Diagram of the Hotel Reservation System shows the included entities (data) and their supposed functions (attributes). Each of them was represented by a table to illustrate their characteristics and relationships with each other.


The figure above shows the whole purpose of the database design of the ER Diagram for the Online Hotel Reservation system.

Furthermore, it demonstrates the existence of a database to store all system data and provide user output.

Hotel Reservation System ER Diagram Tables

The tables below provide the complete database table details such as Field NameDescriptionsdata types, and character lengths.

Afterward, each of these tables represents the characteristics and the attributes of data storage.

Table Name: Accounts

account_ID (PK)Account IDInt11
typeAccount TypeVarchar255
Table Name: Accounts

Table Name: Customer

cust_ID (PK)Customer IDInt11
account_ID (FK)Account IDInt11
nameCustomer NameVarchar255
ageCustomer AgeVarchar255
genderCustomer GenderVarchar255
contact_numberContact NumerVarchar255
addressCustomer AddressText11
Table Name: Customer

Table Name: Crew

crew_ID (PK)Crew IDInt11
account_ID (FK)Account IDInt11
nameCrew NameVarchar255
job_titleJob TitleVarchar255
assignmentWork AssignmentVarchar255
detailsAssignment DetailsText
Table Name: Crew

Table Name: Reservation

reservation_ID (PK)Reservation IDInt11
crew_ID (FK)Crew ID (FK)Int11
cust_ID (FK)Customer IDInt11
room_ID (FK)Room IDInt11
dateDate of ReservationDate
date_inDate of Coming InDate
date_outDate of Coming OutDate
total_paymentTotal PaymentVarchar255
Table Name: Reservation

Table Name: Room Type

type_ID (PK)Room Type IDInt11
nameRoom NameVarchar255
Table Name: Room Type

Table Name: Rooms

room_ID (PK)Room Class IDInt11
type_IDRoom NameVarchar30
priceRoom PriceInt11
Table Name: tblRoomClass

Table Name: Payment

payment_ID (PK)Payment IDInt11
cust_ID (FK)Customer IDInt11
methodPayment MethodVarchar255
dateDate of PaymentDate
Table Name: Payment

Table Name: Transaction

trans_ID (PK)Transaction IDInt11
tran_dateTransaction NameDate
cust_ID (FK)Customer IDInt11
crew_ID (FK)Employee IDInt11
pay_ID (FK)Payment IDInt11
reservation_ID (FK)Reservation IDInt11
Table Name: Transaction

The tables given will be the basis for developers on how would they would work on the order management system database design.

It has the complete description of the database and will be applied to the program as data storage the same as the names given to each of the tables.

Hotel Manageent System ER Diagram [PDF]

The concepts of the database for the project are explained in a PDF document. You may apply this information to your capstone project.

You can also utilize it directly or edit its content based on the needs of your project.

How to create ER Diagram

Time needed: 5 minutes

Steps in building the ER Diagram for Hotel Reservation System with Cardinality Ratio.

  • Step 1: Familiarize the ER Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram) Symbols and Cardinality

    The Entity Relationship Diagram is the structure of the data types in a project. It uses symbols to clarify the relationships of each entity.
    Their symbols and applications must be familiarized before you build the ER Diagram.
    ER Diagram Symbols:
    Fields: Fields are the parts of a table that define the entity’s characteristics. In the database that the ERD models, attributes are commonly thought of as rows.
    • Keys is a technique to categorize data qualities. It is used to organize ER diagrams and assist users in modeling their databases to ensure that they are efficient. This is also used to connect different tables in a database.
    – Primary Key: identifies a single entity instance which means a unique attribute or set of attributes.
    – Foreign Key: is produced when data attributes have one too many relationships with other entities.

  • Step 2: Finalize the entities included

    Initiate the creation of your ER Diagram by determining which entities must be included in your bank reservation system. This entity is represented by a rectangle, and you should leave ample space in your design for their addition in subsequent phases.

  • Step 3: Add the attributes of each entity

    After finalizing the entities, consider the characteristics that will define each one. As characteristics, a conceptual ER diagram specifies the particulars of the many things depicted. Attributes include characteristics of an entity, a many-to-many relationship, and a one-to-one relationship. Multiple values can be assigned to multivalued properties.

  • Step 4: Describe the relationships (cardinality) between entities and attributes

    Entities, their properties, and relationships are required to depict the relationships between the ERD. To create an exact Entity Relationship Diagram, you will base the data structure on the evaluated information.


In summary, the ER diagram for the Hotel Reservation System helps to create a fully functional system. Other than that it will help you in conceptualizing the backend of the software.

Finally, the ER diagram holds all the data that enter and exit the system.

Also, You may visit the link below for more information about diagrams.

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