Music Management System Project in PHP With Source Code

A Music Management System Project in PHP is a music sharing script, and it’s the finest way to get your own music website up and running!

Why Music Management System Project Is Important?

Music Management System In PHP

On tours, music managers aid singer-songwriters in finding the correct producers, negotiating deals, and building relationships with various record companies, agents, and publishers. These managers have a significant impact on an artist’s career in the music industry.

About The Project

The Music Management System In PHP was developed using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL Database as the system’s back-end.

What Is The Use Of This Music Album Management System Project?

music album management system project in php

music album management system project is used on a website to add, edit, and delete content. The project’s goal is to create an application program that will reduce the need for manual labor for managing this system.

What Is The Goal Of Music Library Management System?

Goal of Music Library Management System Project

1) Encourage the highest levels of human aspiration and artistic integrity through music composition, documentation, and performance.

2) Gain an analytical, creative, and intuitive grasp of music as a cultural language.

What is The Advantage Of Music Management System Project In PHP?

Advantages Of Music Management System Project In PHP

Music has a relaxing impact on the mind, just as it does on the body when you listen to slow music. Stanford University researchers discovered that listening to music appears to have the same effect on brain function as medication.

Project Details and Technology

Project Name:Music Management System Project in PHP Source Code
AbstractAdministrators and Subscribers are the two sorts of users in the system. The Admin user can manage all of the system’s functionalities, including the music uploaded and playlists created by subscribers, whereas the Subscriber user can only manage the songs they uploaded and playlists they created.

However, because this is also a music publishing site, the system allows all users to listen to all of the uploaded music or songs, as well as the playlist songs created by other subscribers and admin.
Language/s Used:PHP
PHP version (Recommended):5.6.3
Type:Website, Web Application
Developer:Source Code Hero

Make sure you have sublime or another PHP and MySQL platform installed on your computer before you start working on this system.

Steps On How To Run The Music Management System Project in PHP

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run the Music Management System Project in PHP With Source Code.

  • Step 1: Download source code.

    To begin, get the source code from the following link.
    online clinic management system in php

  • Step 2: Extract File.

    Once the file has finished downloading, navigate to its location and right-click it to extract it.
    customer management system in php

  • Step 3: Copy project folder.

    In the xampp directory, place the folder.
    movie ticket reservation system in php

  • Step 4: Open XAMPP.

    Then, with XAMPP, press the start apache and MYSQL button.
    movie ticket booking system project in php

  • Step 5: Create Database.

    To create a database, open any browser and type localhost/phpmyadmin into the URL bar.

  • Step 6: Import Database.

    Then select Import from the right-hand menu. Then go to File > Import and choose the sql file from the download location.

  • Step 7: Execution.

    Finally, type localhost/project name into any browser.

Download source code below


This system is a fully functional project for web developers who want to learn more about web apps.


If you have any questions or comments on the project, please leave a comment below.

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