This article entitle Python Loops is a continuation of the previous article entitled Python Decision Making.
Python Loops provides types of loops to handle the looping requirements and also provides three different ways for executing each loop. While the other ways provide only a similar basic functionality that is different from their syntax and condition time checking.
What are Python Loops?
- For loop
- While loop
- Nested loop
Python for loop
A for loop is mainly used for iterating above a sequence which can be a tuple, list, set, dictionary, or string. This is similar to a keyword in some programming languages and works similarly to the iterator method that can be found in other object-orientated programming languages.
for iterator_var in sequence: statements(s)
# Python program to illustrate # Iterating over range 0 to n-1 x = 5 for i in range(0, x): print(i)
0 1 2 3 4
For loop example with a Tuple, List, string, and dictionary
# Python program to illustrate # Iterating over a list print("List Iteration") l = ["sourcecodehero", "for true", "heroes"] for i in l: print(i) # Iterating over a tuple (immutable) print("\nTuple Iteration") t = ("sourcecodehero", "for true", "heroes") for i in t: print(i) # Iterating over a String print("\nString Iteration") s = "SOURCECODEHERO" for i in s: print(i) # Iterating over dictionary print("\nDictionary Iteration") d = dict() d['xyz'] = 123 d['abc'] = 345 for i in d: print("%s %d" % (i, d[i])) # Iterating over a set print("\nSet Iteration") set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} for i in set1: print(i),
List Iteration sourcecodehero for true heroes Tuple Iteration sourcecodehero for true heroes String Iteration S O U R C E C O D E H E R O Dictionary Iteration xyz 123 abc 345 Set Iteration 1 2 3 4 5 6
Iterating an index of sequences using for loop
There is also another way to iterate a sequence with the use of index elements. The main idea is to calculate first the length of a list and iterate it over on the sequence within the range of the length.
# Python program to illustrate # Iterating by index list = ["SOURCECODEHERO", "for true", "HEROES"] for index in range(len(list)): print list[index]
Python While Loop
A while loop is used for executing a block of statements repeatedly until the given condition is met. Also, the conditions become false, after the loop the line is immediately executed.
All the indented statements with the same number of character spaces after a program construct is considered to be a part of one block of code.
while expression: statement(s)
# Python program to illustrate # while loop count = 0 while (count < 3): count = count + 1 print("Hello true Heroes")
Hello true Heroes Hello true Heroes Hello true Heroes
While loop with else statement
The else clause can only be executed once the while conditions become false. If you want to break out the loop or the exceptions have been raised the result will not be executed
while condition: # execute these statements else: # execute these statements
# Python program to illustrate # combining else with while count = 0 while (count < 3): count = count + 1 print("Hello true Heroes") else: print("In Else Block")
Hello true Heroes Hello true Heroes Hello true Heroes In Else Block
Python Nested loop
In Python, a nested loop is a loop that was inside the body of the outer loop, and the inner or outer loop consists of any type of loop such as for or a while loop.
Syntax of nested for loop statement
for iterator_var in sequence: for iterator_var in sequence: statements(s) statements(s)
Syntax of nested while loop statement
while expression: while expression: statement(s) statement(s)
A nested loop is a built-in function type of loop in which we can put any type of loop inside of any type of loop such as for loop or while loop or vice versa.
# Python program to illustrate # nested for loops in Python from __future__ import print_function for i in range(1, 9): for j in range(i): print(i, end=' ') print()
1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Python Loop Control Statements
A loop control statement is an execution that will be changed from its normal sequence execution. Once the execution will leave a scope all the objects that are automatic and have been created on that scope will be destroyed.
Break Statement – It will bring out the control of the loop
for letter in 'sourcecodehero': # break prints the loop as soon it sees 'o' # or 'd' if letter == 'o' or letter == 'd': break print ('Current Letter :', letter)
Current Letter : o
Continue Statement – It will return the beginning of control of the loop
# Continue prints all letters except 'd' and 'e' for letter in 'sourcecodehero': if letter == 'd' or letter == 'e': continue print ('Current Letter :', letter) var = 5
Current Letter : s Current Letter : o Current Letter : u Current Letter : r Current Letter : c Current Letter : c Current Letter : o Current Letter : h Current Letter : r Current Letter : o
Pass Statement – This statement is used to write an empty loop and is also used for empty control statements, classes, and functions.
# An empty loop for letter in 'sourcecodehero': pass print ('Last Letter :', letter)
Last Letter : o
In summary, you have read about Python Loops. We also discussed in this article what is decision-making, single statement suites, and types of decision-making statements.
I hope this article about Loops in Python programming language could help you a lot to continue pursuing learning this powerful programming language.
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