Component Diagram for Restaurant Management System

In this article, we will discuss how to create a restaurant management system component diagram. We will also discuss the table details, what is a restaurant management system and the illustration of component diagram of restaurant management system.

In addition, it includes the benefits of components, characteristics, steps in developing components and the conclusion.

What is a Restaurant Management System?

A restaurant system refers to an outline of a restaurant, fast food, bar and food industry. The RMS is composed of front end and back-end. The back end includes employee, product, inventory, supplier and reports while the front end includes booking/reservations, viewing products and account registration.

Diagrams, Creator and Tools Used

The table below shows the article name which is Component Diagram for Restaurant Management. The second is the diagram type which is component diagram. Third, the UML tool used is star UML. Lastly, the creator of this component diagram for the restaurant management article is

Article NameComponent Diagram for Restaurant Management System
Diagram TypeComponent Diagram
UML Tool UsedStar UML

Illustration of Restaurant Management System Components Diagram

The illustration shows below how the restaurant management system works and the database’s function to control the system’s security. The RMS is composed of category module, product module, user module, supplier module, inventory module and order module.

Explanation About RMS Component Diagram

The RMS Component explains the outline of how they worked through step by step process. It shows the outline by symbols, broken and straight lines and arrows to label the function and the overall role operation of the restaurant system.

How restaurant management system component diagram works?

The restaurant management system diagram works through the components of 6 modules. Mainly, category module, product module, user module, supplier module, inventory module and order module.

Its components module represents interfaces that are provided and required connection. The semi-circle symbol is called the required components interface while the full circle symbol is called a provided components interface.

Restaurant Management System Component Diagram Benefits

  • Its shows the structure of the physical system.
  • Must be aware of the parts of the system and their relationships.
  • It shows a strong emphasis on the behavior and on how to relate to their interface.

Steps in Creating the Component Diagram

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to create the Component Diagram for Restaurant Management System

  • Finish the process and function of the system

    First, to create the restaurant system diagram you need to finish the process and function of the system. This task will assist the programmers in analyzing what is required to finish the restaurant management system process.

  • Includes all the components needed

    Second, we need to include all the components needed for the system. It exchanges behavior with other elements in addition to user interfaces.

  • Add Components to make a connection

    Lastly, the dependencies ports can represent the relationship of component needs such as information and services. To make a connection we will need to show that one component can connect to another component.


In conclusion, we discuss the tools used, diagrams, creator, benefits and the characteristics of component and the steps on how to create the diagram RMS.

Also, we discussed the explanation of the restaurant management component diagram thus how the RMS Component diagram works and what is the meaning of the restaurant system.


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